Monty & Ramirez | Law Blog

Friday, December 9, 2011

WSJ's Letters to the Editor: Gingrich and Getting Real About Immgiration

Published in The Wall Street Journal's Letters to the Editor - Friday, December 9, 2011.

Regarding your editorial "To Err Is 'Humane'" (Nov. 25): If Newt Gingrich actually believes that the GOP mob response to our illegal immigration problem, which is currently "deport them all," is not the answer, and if he is ready to have an adult conversation about immigration and is prepared to ruffle the feathers of many in his party just by suggesting that deporting 12 million people is not the only answer, then maybe all hope is not dead.

I want to hear more from any candidate who is ready to take an unpopular stance in order to come up with a practical plan to help create enforceable laws and help propose a sensible, equitable plan for dealing with 12 million undocumented individuals, many of whom are part of American families.

Sarah Monty


Sarah D. Monty is a partner and the lead immigration attorney for the immigration section at Monty & Ramirez LLP.

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Telephone: 281.493.5529

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